The IMPReSS project is a 30-months EU-Brazil cooperative research project started in 2013.
The project is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of EU-Brazil Research and Development cooperation under Grant Agreement no. 614100
The 2nd project newsletter has been published and is available online. Alternatively, it can be downloaded as a pdf file here. The headlines of the 2nd newsletter are: Successful First Review; The Teatro Amazonas Pilot Application; The Teatro Amazonas Public Display; and The IMPReSS Debugging Tool.
Demonstration of the Initial IMPReSS Prototype is being prepared
Created February 05 2015 13:57:28 Posted by
The first prototype of the IMPReSS System Development Platform (SDP) will be demonstrated to the EC in connection with the IMPReSS project’s first year review at the end of February 2015.
The IMPReSS project has published a newsletter which is can be read online here.
This first project newsletter will give the reader a good insight into the IMPReSS project. The next project newsletter will be released in February 2015. If you wish to receive future newsletters directly in your inbox simply register as a member on the IMPReSS website. It is completely free and only requires a known email address.
Architecture for mixed criticality resource management in Internet of Things
Created October 27 2014 16:03:40 Posted by
Project partners, VTT, FIT and ISMB, have had the paper ”Architecture for mixed criticality resource management in Internet of Things” accepted for the 2014 TRON Symposium. The paper discusses the use of a two-level resource management architecture for mixed criticality management in IoT. A full abstract of the paper is available here.
A paper entitled IoTLink: An Internet of Things Prototyping Toolkit has been accepted for the 11th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2014). The paper, which was written by IMPReSS partners FIT, UFABC and UFPE, addresses the need of a development toolkit that allows inexperienced developers to develop IoT prototypes rapidly.
The IMPReSS Project Co-ordinator, Markus Eisenhauer, FIT, will be presenting IMPReSS at a workshop on the EU-Brazil Cooperation in the area of ICT on 10 November 2014 in Brussels.
Paper entitled “Semantic Interoperability Architecture for Pervasive Computing and Internet of Things” published by IEEE Access
Created September 23 2014 10:49:12 Posted by
IMPReSS has had a paper published by IEEE Access in the August 2014 issue. The paper, produced by IMPReSS partner VTT, presents novel semantic-level interoperability architecture for pervasive computing and Internet of Things.
A project brochure has been produced for public dissemination. The IMPReSS brochure briefly describes the IMPReSS Systems Development Platform and the two IMPReSS pilots which will demonstrate and validate the platform focusing on energy efficiency and public awareness on energy usage.
The IMPReSS partners met up in Manaus, Brazil, for a two-day project meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the project’s status, align the work being done in the different work packages and plan future work.
The meeting was kicked off with a visit to one of the project pilot sites, Teatro Amazonas (Amazon Theatre). The visit allowed partners to get a better idea of the site in general and of the specific challenges and possibilities related to the design, development, implementation and validation of the IMPReSS pilot applications and platform.
The IMPReSS project has had a paper accepted for EUC-14 - The 12th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing – which will be held on August 26-28, 2014, in Milan, Italy. The paper, entitled ‘Extending Semantic Device Discovery with Synonym of Terms’, will be presented by Ferry Pramudianto from FIT in the session Mechanisms and Design Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Software Systems. Once the paper has been published, it will be available for download via the download section on this website.